Gus's Conservative Record
- 91% Conservative Rating From Heritage Action
- 80% Score From FreedomWorks
- Signed the Term Limits Pledge
- A+ Pro-Life Scorecard From Susan B. Anthony List
- 100% Small Business Advocacy Score From NFIB
- Most Effective Lawmaker from State of Florida
- 2023 Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award from the American Association of Senior Citizens
- 2023 Luminary Advocacy Award from rare disease patients and advocates at National Rare Disease Conference91
- The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) American PATRIOT Award for standing up against harmful policies currently being advanced in Washington, D.C. and for consistently promoting the American values of faith, family, and freedom.
- Congressional Management Foundation’s Democracy Award for Effective Communication with Constituents
- The Alliance of Community Health Plans’ Legislative Champion Award in recognition of his work to preserve Medicare Advantage, improve affordability options for healthcare and support positive patient outcomes within the healthcare system.
- The Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award from the American Association of Senior Citizens
- Legislative Leadership Award from the Florida Association of Credit Unions for his work on the INFORM Act, which would make enhance consumer protections for online shopping.
- 2022 Distinguished Community Health Center Champion Award from the Florida Association of Community Health Centers
- 2022 Promise Champion Award from Sandy Hook Promise due to passage of his STAND-UP Act to ensure kids at-risk for mental health problems receive the treatment they need.
- “Friend of the Family Award” from the Faith & Freedom Coalition
- Pinnacle Award by the Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) for his continued advocacy on behalf of all veterans.
- Friend of the Farm Bureau Award